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About Us

The STARFLEET Marine Corps is a group affiliated with STARFLEET, The International Star Trek Fan Association Inc. The SFMC is considered an office under the Director of Auxiliary services, STARFLEET and as such reports to the Director of Auxiliary Services, STARFLEET.

Fictionally, the SFMC is part of the Ground Forces that are rarely seen in the episodes but are assumed to be a part of the Naval Fleet of the United Federation of Planets.

We are members of STARFLEET. The Corps does not have different requirements for membership, except that a STARFLEET Marine must be a member in good standing in STARFLEET. Although it does have a different name for each rank within the promotional system, and a different organizational structure than the Naval portion of STARFLEET, STARFLEET Marines are regular dues paying members.

Some STARFLEET members are Marine Reserves. These are members who are active in the naval portion of the Fleet AND with the Ground Forces area as well. Occasionally you may find a STARFLEET Marine who is or was active military, but this is not a requirement to be in the Corps.

The STARFLEET Marine Corps is organized under the Marine Force Manual. This publication has a multitude of information about the Corps, our rank system, awards, and uniforms. The MFM is only available through either the knowledge base section of the SFMC site or the SFMC MTC courses. The STARFLEET Marine Corps has a bi-monthly newsletter, Attention on Deck!, which is currently in the works for a return.

What We Do

Besides taking part in local chapter, Regional and Fleet-wide activities, STARFLEET Marines occasionally hold their own separate activities. These can be anything from paint ball or laser tag to fund-raising events like Toys for Tots or blood drives.  The SFMC has its own section in STARFLEET Academy as well, the Marine Training Center. Since much of the fictional aspects of the Corps revolve around the ground-based military, the courses offered are based around the various Branches of Duty within the SFMC. Examples of these are Infantry, Special Operations, Armor, and even MECHA (similar to the Battletech & MechWarrior game systems). Some courses are based on leadership skills, designed to help a Strike Group leader improve his ability to lead his group within the chapter’s structure.

Where We Are

Wherever there is one STARFLEET Marine, there is a Strike Group. STARFLEET Marine groups take on various forms, from the usual Marine Strike Group on an active chapter, to a Marine Expeditionary Unit on a chapter that has left STARFLEET (membership in STARFLEET is required, remember). There are lots of MSGs across the Fleet. Check the Alert Roster for one near you or for the name of the Brigade or Battalion CO in your state or Region to contact for more information.

The following is a list of the brigades in the SFMC and the geographic area they encompass:

1st Brigade: Geographical region: Kentucky, Indiana, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia.
2nd Brigade: Geographical region: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Mississippi, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean.
3rd Brigade: Geographical region: Louisiana, Texas.
4th Brigade: Geographical region: Arizona, California, Hawaii, Nevada.
5th Brigade: Geographical region: Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Washington.
6th Brigade: Geographical region: Iowa, Minnesota, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin
7th Brigade: Geographical region: Delaware, District of Columbia, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania.
8th Brigade: Geographical region: Africa and the Middle East – Includes Turkey, Azerbajian, Armenia, Israel, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, Syria, Jordan, Palestine, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates.
9th Brigade: Geographical region: Germany, Spain, Andorra, France, Monaco, Italy, San Marino, Switzerland, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, The Netherlands, Hungary, Polska, Greece, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Ukraine, Romania, Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Czech, Slovakia, Portugal Yugoslovia, Albania, Boznia & Hertz, Croatia, Moldavia, Slovenia, and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia FYROM.
10th Brigade: Geographical region: Alaska, Western Canada: Alberta, British Columbia, Saskatchewan.
11th Brigade: Geographical region: New Zealand, Indonesia, Australia.
12th Brigade: Geographical region: Arkansas, Illinois, Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma.
13th Brigade: Geographical region: Manitoba, Ontario, Canada and Michigan, USA.
14th Brigade: Geographical region: Quebec, Canadian Maritimes: New Brunswick, Newfoundland, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island.
15th Brigade: Geographical region: Connecticut, Massachusetts, Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont.
16th Brigade: Geographical region: Japan, N & S Korea, Philippines, Micronesia, Guam.
17th Brigade: Geographical region: Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, Wyoming.
18th Brigade: Geographical region: Mexico, Central & South America.
19th Brigade: Geographical region: Asia: Russia, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Afganistan, Kyrgzstan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, China, Cambodia, Kazkhstan, Mongolia, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Burma (Myanmar), Thailand (Siam), N & S Viet-Nam, Taiwan.
20th Brigade: Geographical region: UK (Wales, England, Scotland), Ireland, and surrounding islands.

How to Become a STARFLEET Marine

Last but not least, to become a STARFLEET Marine is extremely simple. First you need to be a member in good standing in STARFLEET The International Star Trek Fan Association, Inc. If you are already a member then you are almost there! If not join STARFLEET by going to . Next, log into the STARFLEET database, click on “Member” then “Affiliations”. On the SFMC screen click on either “Active” or “Reserve”. Choose “Active” if you want to play in the SFMC pretty much full time, or choose “Reserve” if you only want to play in the SFMC part-time. Once you have done this, contact your ship’s Marine Strike Group (MSG) Officer-in-Charge (OIC) and let them know that you have joined the SFMC. If your ship does not have a MSG or you are unassigned, contact your state’s Battalion OIC or your region’s Brigade OIC and let them know you have joined the SFMC.

Please not that NO exams in the Marine Training Center are required to become a member of the STARFLEET Marine Corps. PD-100 is only required if a Marine wishes to take courses from the STARFLEET Marine Training Center (MTC) or hold a leadership position in the SFMC. THE ONLY REQUIREMENTS TO BECOME A STARFLEET MARINE IS THAT AN INDIVIDUAL BE A MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING IN STARFLEET THE INTERNATIONAL STAR TREK FAN ASSOCIATION, INC. AND HAS SET THEIR MARINE AFFILIATION IN THE DATABASE.