State of TRACOM December 2013
State of TRACOM December 2013
Good Day and Happy New Year!
2013 was an interesting and productive year in TRACOM. We undertook a major project to renumber all of the courses to a 3 digit numbering system. This was done so that we can expand our offerings at the SFMCA.
As we move forward, we shall be expanding the number of courses, so be on the lookout for that.
We have had changes to the leadership this year, with myself taking over as COTRACOM from Gary Hollifield, Mark Polanis taking over for me as DCO-Admin and Josiah Smiddy taking over from Brian Pickett as DCO-Doctrine. We are currently looking for someone to fill the role of Sergeant Major that was vacated by Mark Polanis when he took the DCO-Admin job. I would like to thank everyone who has helped out at TRACOM this past year; all of your hard work has been greatly appreciated.
While we did have changes last year, we still have changes to come. Our new Commandant, Mike McGowan has stepped down as the Research and Development Director, and as the MOSC/MURP director, and I have stepped down as the Armor Branch Director in order to bring some new faces into TRACOM. I have solicited for applications for these positions, and will be announcing the names of the Marines that will be filling these positions soon.
On a related note, former Commandant Major General Bruce O’Brien has agreed to keep working with us here in TRACOM as the Leadership Development Director as well as the Xenostudies Borg Director.
With that said, here are some stats from the SFMCA from 2013:
232 students took 1494 courses
487 courses were scored Distinction (100%)
411 courses were scored Honors (96% – 99%)
596 courses were scored Pass (70% – 95%)
0 courses were scored Fail (0% – 69%)
13 new courses were created
1013ea -100 level courses were completed 416ea -200 level courses were completed 70ea -300 level courses were completed 2ea -400 level courses were completed 4ea -500 level courses were completed
11 College Graduations were completed
I have enjoyed working with y’all in 2013, and look forward to working with y’all in 2014 and beyond.
Travis Littou
Major General, SFMC
Training and Doctrine Command]]>