State of INFOCOM February 2015
State of INFOCOM February 2015
Greetings Marines,
As I was putting together my report this month I received the news about Leonard Nimoy passing away. The first thing that came to my mind was the scene from Star Trek II, the Wrath of Khan where he was telling Kirk goodbye. I remember the way I felt when I watch that in the theater for the first time. It was very moving. This time it was for real and the feeling was much deeper. I hadn’t seem Leonard Nimoy at many conventions. The last one was in Tampa a couple of years ago and he used Skype to communicate with us. The only time I saw him in person was back in the late 1990’s when he came to University of South Florida in Tampa for a book signing. Although the interaction was brief I did get to speak to him. This was the first and last time I ever got to meet Mr. Nimoy.
And now on with the report. The SFMC website had gotten hacked twice with- in a few days of each other a couple of weeks ago. I was able to fix the issues with a few hours of the hack. The SFMCnewsbot that posts the news articles into the database in the admin module and displays the news articles on the main I think is how they were able to hack the site. Basically they inserted their messages and over wrote the news articles. I had to delete the articles that is why the last article has the date of March 2014. The password used for the Newsbot wasn’t encrypted so that is why I think that is how they gained access. I will be replacing the missing articles but first I changed the password and until I can encrypt it I’m not got to activate it. I think it will just get hacked again. I’ll keep everyone posted on this as we make progress. If you have any questions please contact me at the email address below.
In closing here’s the pingdom stats for January 2015.
Uptime: 99.97%
Outages: 1
Downtime: 15 Minutes
Response time: 651 ms
Mark “Slayer” Anderson
Brigadier General, SFMC
Team Delta