State of FORCECOM October 2015
State of FORCECOM October 2015
Good Evening, Marines.
This will be a very short and sweet missive. I’m in the middle of taking two separate classes from my local medical Reserve Corps unit along with learning all that I need to do to winterize a house in SW Idaho and playing ‘Medication de Jour’ with two of my VA docs. Nothing serious, but between that and the vanishing daylight I’m got a bad case of the sleepies a good portion of the time which isn’t helping my time management skills one bit.
For those who did not get the original posts, individuals have been chosen to fill the duty slots open in Forces Command. I want to
Welcome BDR David Sladky to the position of 7th Brigade Officer in Charge. He takes over immediately so if you have any questions about activities in 7th Brigade, his contact information is on the SFMC website under Forces Command. Also COL Brian Allen joins the FORCECOM team as it’s new E-Certificates Officer. He’s in the process of designing our new certificates and will be catching up with our backlog first before taking on any other projects. Please give him a bit of time to get his office up and running.
As some of you have already heard via the water cooler grapevine, we have had a few logos come into conflict with the United States Marine Corps. Right now all those issues have been addressed. We pulled the Marine Force Manual off the website until we can get any graphics that were in conflict changed. When we’re sure that it’s squeaky clean it will go back up and we’ll make that announcement.
If ‘any’ unit or Battalion has concerns about their logo, motto or slogan please notify your Brigade OIC about it. They will contact FORCECOM and we’ll take things from there. Keep in the Chain of Command, folks. It’s just easier to track things that way.
That’s all for now. Keep it safe out there and be nice to each other.
Stand Easy, Marines.
BGN Jari “Gato” James