Deputy Commandant (DEPDANT)

Deputy Commandant (DEPDANT)
MGEN S. Christopher Boggs
Appointed by the Commandant STARFLEET Marine Corps, the Deputy Commandant is second in command of the SFMC. If the Commandant is unable to fulfill their duties, the Deputy Commandant will assume command of the Corps until such a time as the Commandant can return to duty or until a new Commandant is appointed.
The Deputy Commandant is directly responsible for overseeing all charitable activities undertaken by the Corps. They are responsible for overseeing working groups and other duties as assigned by the Commandant. Revisions to the MFM will be supervised by Deputy Commandant.
The Deputy Commandant is also responsible for proposals regarding changes to SFMC awards and uniform guidelines. Any questions, proposals, concerns or other matters relating to awards and uniforms should be sent to the Deputy Commandant for attention. The Deputy Commandant will either rule directly on the issues presented or take them to the General Staff for further input and discussion before deciding on how to respond.
Command Staff
2nd LT Raven Cochran, Chief of Staff
SFMC Compliance & Heraldry Office
Colonel David Priest SFMC Chief Compliance/Heraldry Officer
1st LT Jason Smith SFMC Deputy Chief Compliance/Heraldry Officer
SFMC Reading Challenge Office
1st LT Hector Gutierrez, Jr. DepDant SFMC Reading Challenge Officer
SFMC Historian Office
Captain James McCoy SFMC Chief Historian
Colonel Richard Boudreau, SFMC Deputy Chief Historian
Colonel David Priest, SFMC Historian Staff