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The Marine Occupational Specialty Certification Program (MOSC) enables Marines to receive acknowledgement for the successful training completed for certain jobs, through the various Branches. Such acknowledgement gives clear indication of an individual’s qualification for certain posts or specialties in the Branch of Service (BOS) within which they have chosen to operate. This can be applied to a range of BOS thus making the Marine a highly qualified, multi-trained soldier of great value to his unit.

All of the jobs in the STARFLEET Marine Corps are grouped together by type and are referred to as Branches of Service. Branches have a number of specialties within them, which are called Marine Occupational Specialties, or MOSs. All fields in each section include the general categories that the specific jobs fall under. There is some distinction made between officers and enlisted Marines dependent upon the MOS and these are highlighted throughout the MOS section of each Branch manual as appropriate.

Each field contains multiple MOS’s, each designated by a four-digit numerical indicator and a job title. For example, the Infantry Branch has (currently) 62 classifications – from MOS 3000 -Senior Infantry Officer to MOS 3940 – Riverine Transport Specialist. As the majority of MOS make no distinction between ranks, a Marine may achieve a wide range of the qualification for various MOS, provided they have successfully completed the course criteria as listed in the MOS section of the current edition of the specific Branch Manual.


How It Works
Each individual must have completed the courses so designated in the current edition of the SFMC Branch Manual to be able to make application for acknowledgement of that particular MOS. They will fulfil these requirements by submitting copies of diplomas or confirmations from classes they took at the STARFLEET Marine Corps Academy (SFMCA). OIC’S and CO’S may affirm the existence of the diplomas by e-mail or by mail. Applicants do not have to send copies of the diplomas. The word of the OIC that he/she has seen those diplomas, confirmations, or database entries is good enough. Applicants will download the MOS Qualification Application form from the appropriate site and forward to the MOSC Coordinator at The applicant must ensure that all appropriate fields are filled out and that any qualifying material is included as requested. Failure to do this may mean rejection of the application, or at the very least, hold up processing of the documentation. Application should be made first for the MOS for which the Marine has determined to be their primary MOS – referred to as their Duty Military Occupational Specialty (DMOS). This will give them certification for that MOS of which the Marine wishes to use as their recognized, major role as a member of the Corps. Since any individual can obtain multiple job specialties, DMOS is used to identify what their primary job function is at any given time. The DMOS can be changed according to the needs of the role of the Marine

Available Branch of Service/Specialty Certificates

AerospaceArmorCombat Engineering 
Infantry Maritime Operations MECHA 
MedicalSpecial OperationsSupport

MOSC Coordinator
The current MOSC Coordinator is:
MGEN Shane Russell