State of TRACOM – August 2019
Good evening MARINES. I wish you all well and I appreciate everyone’s Labor past and Present. As we Celebrate Terran Holiday titled, “Labor Day “Thank you all. For the ones in Tropical Storm Dorian’s Path, I hope that you all are in safe places. We all pray for your safety.
Moodle. I have been working on moving the various instructors that agreed to stay on while moving to the new System. This is a big over hall since our previous ways to doing course work. I think that this will be a unique, robust change. This is not per say a head change I believe. However, we are working on a few items to ensure that we have a smooth Transition. I should not be too much longer. I appreciate everyone’s input and thoughts to make SFMCA even more of an AWESOME part of the SFMC.
With that being said, it is going to be that SFMC TRACOM Academy will be lead by the COTRACOM , but the Academy will fall under Office of Educational Services. It is going to change a bit because we will fall under the Office of Educational Services . The majority of the work will be run by TRACOM Staff . Courses will be requested from the directors. The first requirement for any SFMCA Course will be PD 100. PD 100 will be the key and most basic for all. PD 100 will serve as the basic training school.
This course will be initial requirement. Please be sure to check courses for pre-requests for any courses.
New Courses and Ideas. We are internally working on a few courses to add to respective colleges. I hope to have them posted soon. We are also updating some of the manuals with the new devices that have been approved. I am working on some of the revisions and some other ones now. Additionally, I have some updates and changes I am working on and owe them to everyone soon. We also working on some revision updates with various manuals.
Additionally, I am working on updating some course Titles. They will be posted soon.
Lastly, I have been informed that there has been some communication issues between some marines and various Directors regarding Course Grading and also Course requests. I am looking into this and will get this corrected. I appreciate all the marines that have reached out to the Senior Staff in SFMC TRACOM. As always thank you for your continued studies and course completions. And if you have a new course or Idea. Please let us know.
Shane Russell
Major General, SFMC Commander, Starfleet Marine Corps Training and Doctrine Command
Commander, USS Orion Region 12 SFI
229th Marine Strike Group, OIC
Team Delta