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SFMC Miscellaneous Manuals/Graphics


The Defense of Duffers Drift

Written by Major General Sir Earnest D. Swinton, K.B.E., C.B., D.S.O., a noted English soldier, author and professor. Considered by Field Marshal Earl Wavell as one of the most far-sighted officers the British Army has produced, he wrote before World War I on the effects of air warfare, mining and of psychological warfare. In 1914, Sir Swinton completely revolutionized warfare by his invention of the tank; he, more than anyone else, was responsible for its introduction and development.
This book is set during the Boer War or South African War, which took place in South Africa from 1899 to 1902. This book is not a manual, but a story written from the viewpoint of a British officer in command of 50 men. It outlines a scenario and details proper and wrong decisions, their reasoning behind them and of course their outcome.
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Toys 4 Tots Manual

This manual outlines how to conduct a successful Toys for Tots campaign in the SFMC.
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SFMC Logos

This zip file contains SFMC Logos
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SFMC Ranks

This zip file contains SFMC rank images
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